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Note/Disclaimer: This list is made possible through a database keyword search/filtering process which may not be 100% accurate. Therefore, all endangered species of Uganda may not be listed here. For a complete list of endangered species in Africa, browse the Africa endangered species list.

Endangered species found in Uganda:

This list combines species from several endangered species lists. Using the total at the bottom of this page as an official count of endangered species of the world is not recommended. For more information on what creatures are listed on this site, please visit our About Us page.

 Species NameScientific NameGroupRange
1. Afrcan White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus Birds Africa
2. African Butter Catfish Schilbe mystus Fishes Uganda
3. African Elephant Loxodonta africana Mammals Africa
4. African Golden Cat Caracal aurata Mammals Africa
5. African Gray Parrot Psittacus erithacus Birds Africa
6. African Green Broadbill Pseudocalyptomena graueri Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
7. African Lion Panthera leo Mammals Africa, Asia
8. African Mahogany Khaya ivorensis Plants Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Sudan, Togo, Uganda
9. African Mahogany Khaya grandifoliola Plants Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Sudan, Togo, Uganda
10. African Mahogany Khaya anthotheca Plants Angola, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
11. African Mahogany Khaya senegalensis Plants Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Togo, Uganda
12. African Skimmer Rynchops flavirostris Birds Africa, Asia, Middle East
13. African Walnut Lovoa trichilioides Plants Angola, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda
14. African White-bellied Pangolin Phataginus tricuspis Mammals Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia
15. African Wild Dog  WATCH A LIVE AFRICAN WILD DOG Lycaon pictus Mammals Sub-saharan Africa
16. Afrocarpus dawei Afrocarpus dawei Plants Tanzania, Uganda
17. Agriocnemis palaeforma Agriocnemis palaeforma Insects Uganda
18. Ahl's Reed Frog Hyperolius castaneus Amphibians Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
19. Albert Lates Lates macrophthalmus Fishes Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
20. Albizia ferruginea Albizia ferruginea Plants Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Uganda
21. Antrocaryon Antrocaryon micraster Plants Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda
22. Apa Afzelia bipindensis Plants Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Gabon, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Uganda
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23. Aspatharia divaricata Aspatharia divaricata Clams Tanzania, Uganda
24. Azobe Lophira alata Plants Africa
25. Babault's Mouse Shrew Myosorex babaulti Mammals Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
26. Barbus alluaudi Barbus alluaudi Fishes Uganda
27. Barbus huloti Barbus huloti Fishes Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
28. Barbour's Vlei Rat Otomys barbouri Mammals Kenya, Uganda
29. Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus griseldis Birds Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Malawi, Mozambique, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
30. Beaudouin's Snake-eagle Circaetus beaudouini Birds Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Uganda
31. Beilschmiedia ugandensis Beilschmiedia ugandensis Plants Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
32. Bellamya jucunda Bellamya jucunda Snails Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
33. Bellamya costulata Bellamya costulata Snails Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
34. Bellamya constricta Bellamya constricta Snails Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
35. Bellamya trochearis Bellamya trochearis Snails Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
36. Bellamya rubicunda Bellamya rubicunda Snails Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
37. Bellamya phthinotropis Bellamya phthinotropis Snails Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
38. Black Crowned-crane Balearica pavonina Birds Africa, Middle East
39. Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Birds Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America (including United States Territory), Oceanic
40. Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni Birds Africa to Asia
41. Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
42. Brazzeia longipedicellata Brazzeia longipedicellata Plants Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
43. Bread Palm Encephalartos whitelockii Plants Uganda
44. Bread Palm Encephalartos macrostrobilus Plants Uganda
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45. Bread Palm Encephalartos equatorialis Plants Uganda
46. Brown Mahogany Lovoa swynnertonii Plants Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe
47. Bulinus transversalis Bulinus transversalis Snails Kenya, Uganda
48. Bulinus mutandensis Bulinus mutandensis Snails Uganda
49. Burnupia stuhlmanni Burnupia stuhlmanni Snails Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
50. Bushoho Reed Frog Hyperolius frontalis Amphibians Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
51. Chapin's Flycatcher Muscicapa lendu Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Uganda
52. Charming Thicket Rat Thamnomys venustus Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
53. Checkered Sengi Rhynchocyon cirnei Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
54. Cheetah  WATCH A LIVE CHEETAH Acinonyx jubatus Mammals Africa to India
55. Chimpanzee  WATCH A LIVE CHIMPANZEE Pan troglodytes Mammals Africa
56. Chlorocnemis pauli Chlorocnemis pauli Insects Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda
57. Chlorocypha molindica Chlorocypha molindica Insects Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
58. Chlorocypha jacksoni Chlorocypha jacksoni Insects Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Malawi, Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Uganda
59. Cleopatra cridlandi Cleopatra cridlandi Snails Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
60. Common Hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius Mammals Africa
61. Cordyla richardii Cordyla richardii Plants Sudan, Uganda
62. Cream-banded Swallowtail Papilio leucotaenia Insects Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda
63. De Graaff's Praomys Praomys degraaffi Mammals Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda
64. Delany's Swamp Mouse Delanymys brooksi Mammals Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
65. Denham's Bustard Neotis denhami Birds Africa
66. Deschampsia angusta Deschampsia angusta Plants Kenya, Uganda
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67. Dialium excelsum Dialium excelsum Plants Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
68. Diospyros katendei Diospyros katendei Plants Uganda
69. Disc-fingered Reed Frog Hyperolius discodactylus Amphibians Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
70. Dragon Tree Dracaena ombet Plants Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda
71. Dwarf Honeyguide Indicator pumilio Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
72. Eastern Gorilla Gorilla beringei Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
73. Egyptian Vulture  WATCH A LIVE EGYPTIAN VULTURE Neophron percnopterus Birds Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
74. Entandrophragma angolense Entandrophragma angolense Plants Africa
75. Entandrophragma utile Entandrophragma utile Plants Africa
76. Entandrophragma cylindricum Entandrophragma cylindricum Plants Africa
77. Euphorbia bwambensis Euphorbia bwambensis Plants Republic of Congo, Uganda
78. Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata Birds Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America (United States Territory), Oceanic
79. Eurasian Peregrine Falcon  WATCH A LIVE EURASIAN PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus peregrinus Birds Eurasia south to Africa and Mideast
80. Forest Ground-thrush Zoothera oberlaenderi Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
81. Forest Thicket Rat Grammomys dryas Mammals Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
82. Fox's Weaver Ploceus spekeoides Birds Uganda
83. Giant Ground Pangolin Smutsia gigantea Mammals Africa
84. Golden-naped Weaver Ploceus aureonucha Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
85. Grauer's Cuckooshrike Coracina graueri Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
86. Grauer's Swamp Warbler Bradypterus graueri Birds Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
87. Great Snipe Gallinago media Birds Africa, Asia, Europe
88. Greater Large-headed Shrew Paracrocidura maxima Mammals Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
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89. Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga Birds Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East
90. Guarea mayombensis Guarea mayombensis Plants Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Gabon, Uganda
91. Guarea cedrata Guarea cedrata Plants Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Uganda
92. Hallea stipulosa Hallea stipulosa Plants Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia
93. Haplochromis aeneocolor Haplochromis aeneocolor Fishes Uganda
94. Haplochromis crassilabris Haplochromis crassilabris Fishes Tanzania, Uganda
95. Haplochromis megalops Haplochromis megalops Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
96. Haplochromis prodromus Haplochromis prodromus Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
97. Haplochromis venator Haplochromis venator Fishes Uganda
98. Haplochromis aelocephalus Haplochromis aelocephalus Fishes Tanzania, Uganda
99. Haplochromis chromogynos Haplochromis chromogynos Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
100. Haplochromis maxillaris Haplochromis maxillaris Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
101. Haplochromis plagiostoma Haplochromis plagiostoma Fishes Uganda
102. Haplochromis velifer Haplochromis velifer Fishes Uganda
103. Haplochromis acidens Haplochromis acidens Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
104. Haplochromis chilotes Haplochromis chilotes Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
105. Haplochromis lividus Haplochromis lividus Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
106. Haplochromis phytophagus Haplochromis phytophagus Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
107. Haplochromis spekii Haplochromis spekii Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
108. Haplochromis brownae Haplochromis brownae Fishes Tanzania, Uganda
109. Haplochromis latifasciatus Haplochromis latifasciatus Fishes Uganda
110. Haplochromis petronius Haplochromis petronius Fishes Uganda
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111. Haplochromis sp. nov. 'ruby' Haplochromis sp. nov. 'ruby' Fishes Uganda
112. Haplochromis beadlei Haplochromis beadlei Fishes Uganda
113. Haplochromis labiatus Haplochromis labiatus Fishes Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
114. Haplochromis paropius Haplochromis paropius Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
115. Haplochromis simpsoni Haplochromis simpsoni Fishes Uganda
116. Haplochromis bayoni Haplochromis bayoni Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
117. Haplochromis ishmaeli Haplochromis ishmaeli Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
118. Haplochromis oregosoma Haplochromis oregosoma Fishes Uganda
119. Haplochromis serranus Haplochromis serranus Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
120. Haplochromis worthingtoni Haplochromis worthingtoni Fishes Uganda
121. Haplochromis barbarae Haplochromis barbarae Fishes Tanzania, Uganda
122. Haplochromis heusinkveldi Haplochromis heusinkveldi Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
123. Haplochromis obliquidens Haplochromis obliquidens Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
124. Haplochromis saxicola Haplochromis saxicola Fishes Tanzania, Uganda
125. Haplochromis welcommei Haplochromis welcommei Fishes Tanzania, Uganda
126. Haplochromis annectidens Haplochromis annectidens Fishes Uganda
127. Haplochromis granti Haplochromis granti Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
128. Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
129. Haplochromis sauvagei Haplochromis sauvagei Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
130. Haplochromis victorianus Haplochromis victorianus Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
131. Harpagochromis sp. nov. 'frogmouth' Harpagochromis sp. nov. 'frogmouth' Fishes Kenya, Uganda
132. Idomacromia jillianae Idomacromia jillianae Insects Uganda
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133. Jackson's Mongoose Bdeogale jacksoni Mammals Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
134. Kahuzi Swamp Shrew Crocidura stenocephala Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
135. Karamoja Apalis Apalis karamojae Birds Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
136. Karissimbi Forest Treefrog Leptopelis karissimbensis Amphibians Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
137. Kivu Banana Frog Afrixalus orophilus Amphibians Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
138. Kivu Ground-thrush Zoothera tanganjicae Birds Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
139. Kivu Tree Frog Leptopelis kivuensis Amphibians Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
140. Kola Nut Cola duparquetiana Plants Uganda
141. Kola Nut Cola bracteata Plants Uganda
142. Lagden's Bush-shrike Malaconotus lagdeni Birds Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ghana, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Uganda
143. Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotos Birds Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East
144. Large-eared Free-tailed Bat Otomops martiensseni Mammals Africa, Asia, Middle East
145. Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor Birds Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Oceanic
146. Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni Birds Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East
147. Lesser Kudu Tragelaphus imberbis Mammals Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
148. Lipochromis sp. nov. 'parvidens-like' Lipochromis sp. nov. 'parvidens-like' Fishes Uganda
149. Lipochromis sp. nov. 'small obesoid' Lipochromis sp. nov. 'small obesoid' Fishes Uganda
150. Lipochromis sp. nov. 'backflash cryptodon' Lipochromis sp. nov. 'backflash cryptodon' Fishes Uganda
151. Lokia coryndoni Lokia coryndoni Insects Uganda
152. Maccoa Duck Oxyura maccoa Birds Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe
153. Macropleurodus bicolor Macropleurodus bicolor Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
154. Madagascar Pond-heron Ardeola idae Birds Africa
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155. Marcusenius victoriae Marcusenius victoriae Fishes Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
156. Medium-tailed Brush-furred Rat Lophuromys medicaudatus Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
157. Memecylon bequaertii Memecylon bequaertii Plants Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
158. Mikaniopsis vitalba Mikaniopsis vitalba Plants Angola, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Gabon, Uganda
159. Millettia lacus-alberti Millettia lacus-alberti Plants Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
160. Montane Mouse Shrew Myosorex blarina Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
161. Montane Shaggy Rat Dasymys montanus Mammals Uganda
162. Moon Forest Shrew Sylvisorex lunaris Mammals Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
163. Moon Striped Mouse Hybomys lunaris Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
164. Nahan's Francolin Francolinus nahani Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
165. Nauclea diderrichii Nauclea diderrichii Plants Africa
166. Neochromis simotes Neochromis simotes Fishes Uganda
167. Niobe's Shrew Crocidura niobe Mammals Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
168. Nothobranchius aff. taeniopygus Nothobranchius aff. taeniopygus Fishes Uganda
169. Ocotea kenyensis Ocotea kenyensis Plants Africa
170. Onychogomphus styx Onychogomphus styx Insects Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
171. Oreochromis variabilis Oreochromis variabilis Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
172. Oreochromis esculentus Oreochromis esculentus Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
173. Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus Birds Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East
174. Papyrus Gonolek Laniarius mufumbiri Birds Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
175. Papyrus Yellow Warbler Chloropeta gracilirostris Birds Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
176. Paralabidochromis victoriae Paralabidochromis victoriae Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
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177. Pavetta intermedia Pavetta intermedia Plants Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
178. Platytaeniodus degeni Platytaeniodus degeni Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
179. Potamonautes mutandensis Potamonautes mutandensis Crustaceans Uganda
180. Potamonautes ignestii Potamonautes ignestii Crustaceans Ethiopia, Uganda
181. Potamonautes gonocristatus Potamonautes gonocristatus Crustaceans Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
182. Prognathochromis sp. nov. 'long snout' Prognathochromis sp. nov. 'long snout' Fishes Uganda
183. Pseudagrion bicoerulans Pseudagrion bicoerulans Insects Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
184. Pyxichromis orthostoma Pyxichromis orthostoma Fishes Uganda
185. Rahm's Brush-furred Rat Lophuromys rahmi Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
186. Red-faced Barbet Lybius rubrifacies Birds Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
187. Ring-necked Francolin Francolinus streptophorus Birds Burundi, Cameroon, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
188. Rueppell's Vulture Gyps rueppellii Birds Africa
189. Ruwenzori Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus ruwenzorii Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
190. Ruwenzori Shrew Ruwenzorisorex suncoides Mammals Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
191. Rwanda River Frog Phrynobatrachus versicolor Amphibians Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
192. Rwenzori Otter Shrew Micropotamogale ruwenzorii Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
193. Secamone racemosa Secamone racemosa Plants Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Equatorial Guinea (Bioko), Rwanda, Uganda
194. Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata Birds Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East
195. Shea Butter Tree Vitellaria paradoxa Plants Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Uganda
196. Shelley's Crimson-wing Cryptospiza shelleyi Birds Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
197. Shoebill Balaeniceps rex Birds Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
198. Shovelmouth Astatotilapia sp. nov. 'shovelmouth' Fishes Uganda
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199. Straw-coloured Fruit Bat Eidolon helvum Mammals Africa, Asia, Middle East
200. Synodontis victoriae Synodontis victoriae Fishes Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
201. Synodontis macrops Synodontis macrops Fishes Uganda
202. Taita Falcon Falco fasciinucha Birds Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
203. Tarella Shrew Crocidura tarella Mammals Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
204. Temnick's Ground Pangolin  WATCH A LIVE TEMNICK'S GROUND PANGOLIN Smutsia temminckii Mammals Africa
205. Tetrathemis ruwensoriensis Tetrathemis ruwensoriensis Insects Uganda
206. Tetrathemis denticauda Tetrathemis denticauda Insects Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Uganda
207. Thermodiaptomus galeboides Thermodiaptomus galeboides Crustaceans Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
208. Tropodiaptomus stuhlmanni Tropodiaptomus stuhlmanni Crustaceans Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
209. Turner's Eremomela Eremomela turneri Birds Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Uganda
210. Turraeanthus africanus Turraeanthus africanus Plants Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda
211. Varicorhinus ruwenzori Varicorhinus ruwenzori Fishes Uganda
212. Victoria Robber Brycinus jacksonii Fishes Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Tanzania, Uganda
213. Volcano Shrew Sylvisorex vulcanorum Mammals Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Uganda
214. White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum Mammals Africa
215. White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis Birds Africa
216. White-naped Pigeon Columba albinucha Birds Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Sudan, Uganda
217. Xystichromis sp. nov. 'Kyoga flameback' Xystichromis sp. nov. 'Kyoga flameback' Fishes Uganda

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