Endangered Plants of the Middle East
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Common Name Range ***
Acacia spp. (1) Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, British Virgin Islands, Cuba, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Hawaii, India, Jamaica, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Yemen
Aloe spp. (3) Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Yemen, Zimbabwe
Andrachne schweinfurthii Yemen
Angkalanthus oligophylla Yemen
Aquilaria spp. (1) Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Asplenium spp. (1) China, Ecuador, Hawaii, St. Helena, Yemen
Begonia spp. (1) Cameroon, China, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritania, Nigeria, Yemen
Boswellia spp. (8) Ethiopia, Yemen
Bully Tree (1) Belize, Cape Verde, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Yemen
Calligonum spp. (5) Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Chapmannia spp. (4) Yemen
Chlorophytum spp. (1) Cameroon, Yemen
Clerodendrum spp. (2) Cameroon, Cuba, Gabon, Yemen
Commiphora spp. (4) Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Yemen
Crotalaria spp. (1) Cameroon, Florida, Nigeria, Yemen
Dichrostachys dehiscens Yemen
Dorstenia spp. (2) Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Yemen
Dragon Tree (3) Cameroon, Cape Verde, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Portugal (Madeira), Saudi Arabia, Spain (Canary Islands), Yemen
Echidnopsis spp. (5) Yemen
Erythroxylum spp. (1) Cuba, Ecuador, Indian Ocean (Seychelles), Jamaica, Malaysia, Peru, Sri Lanka, Yemen
Euclea spp. (2) Yemen
Euphorbia spp. (9) Ecuador, Ethiopia, Hawaii, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Republic of Congo, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Spain, St. Helena, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen, Zimbabwe
Eureiandra balfourii Yemen
Exacum spp. (2) Yemen
Flueggea spp. (1) Ecuador, Hawaii, Turkey
Fraxinus spp. (1) Afghanistan, Honduras
Grewia spp. (3) Indian Ocean (Seychelles), Yemen
Helichrysum spp. (6) Cameroon, Malta, Yemen
Heliotropium spp. (7) Ecuador, Yemen
Hibiscus spp. (4) Ecuador, Hawaii, Mauritius, Yemen
Holothrix socotrana Yemen
Kashmir Elm Afghanistan, Pakistan
Kleinia scotti Yemen
Leucas spp. (4) Yemen
Livistona spp. (1) Australia (Queensland), Philippines, Solomon Islands, Yemen
Lotus mollis Yemen
Marsdenia robusta Yemen
Maytenus spp. (1) Ecuador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Thailand, Virgin Islands (British and US), Yemen
Milkwort (1) Ecuador, Greece, Italy, United States (Florida), Yemen
Morris Squill Cyprus
Ormocarpum spp. (1) Cameroon, Gabon, Oman, Yemen
Panicum spp. (1) Ecuador, Hawaii, Yemen
Populus spp. (1) Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America (Mexico)
Portulaca spp. (3) United States (Hawaii), Yemen
Ribes spp. (1) Ecuador, Italy, Uzbekistan
Rushfoil (2) Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, New Caledonia, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Vietnam, Yemen
Secamone spp. (1) Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Equatorial Guinea (Bioko), Rwanda, Uganda, Yemen
St. John's-wort (2) Ecuador, Ethiopia, Florida, Yemen
Thamnosma socotrana Yemen
Vernonia spp. (1) Cameroon, Ecuador, Indonesia, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Yemen
Water-willow (2) Cameroon, Ecuador, Florida, Nigeria, Yemen

**What plants are listed here?:

The Middle East section of this site lists the folllowing plants appearing on select endangered species lists:
  • Plants that dwell in or migrate to any area considered apart of the Middle East.
  • Plants that dwell in the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Plants of Cyprus.
  • Plants of Egypt, Israel or any other transcontinental (with Africa or Asia) area.
  • Plants of the Mediterranean Sea and its islands.
  • Plants of the Palearctic.
  • Plants of Saudi Arabia.

This list combines species from several endangered species lists. Using the total count of species found on this site as an official count of endangered species of the world is not recommended. For more information on what creatures are listed on this site, please visit our About EEC page.

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