Jaguar | Gray Wolf | Ocelot | Cheetah | Sand Cat | Cougar | Leopard | Brown Bear | Red Wolf | African Wild Ass | Steller Sea-lion | Jaguarundi | Asiatic Lion | Margay | Blue Whale | West Indian Manatee | African Wild Dog | Giant Panda | Argali | Mantled Howler Monkey | Tasmanian Tiger | Addax | Striped Hyena | Tiger | Mediterranean Monk Seal | Snow Leopard | Hawaiian Monk Seal | Chimpanzee | Aye-aye | Dugong | Tasmanian Forester Kangaroo | Black Rhinoceros | Little Spotted Cat | American Bison | Amargosa Vole
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Gray Whale Gray whales are only found in the Pacific Ocean and can reach up to 45 feet long. They are often completely covered in hundreds of pounds of whale lice, harmless hitchhiking parasites hoping to catch plankton that the whale may slowly swim by. Gray whales are giant vacuum cleaners, scooping and eating up tiny critters--such as amphipods and worms that live on or near the seafloor. Learn more about the Gray Whale. |
Earth's Endangered Creatures lists endangered plants and animals of the world that are threatened with extinction. It is split into 11 parts--seven of which are the seven continents of our planet and also an Oceanic, Middle East, and Central America category. Hawaii is the endangered species capital of the world and has been individually categorized. Be sure and visit this section as well when searching for North American endangered species. Learn More »
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