Endangered Snails of Europe
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Common Name Range ***
Acicula spp. (1) Gibraltar, Israel, Spain
Actinella spp. (5) Portugal (Madeira)
Amphorella spp. (3) Portugal
Arganiella exilis France
Belgrandiella spp. (12) Austria, France, Slovakia
Boettgeria obesiuscula Portugal
Bythinella spp. (8) Austria, Belgium, France, Germany
Candidula setubalensis Portugal
Cantareus mazzullii Italy
Caseolus spp. (3) Portugal (Madeira)
Cecilioides spp. (2) Gibraltar, Portugal (Madeira)
Cylichnidia ovuliformis Portugal
Discula spp. (12) Portugal
Discus guerinianus Portugal (Madeira)
Geomitra delphinuloides Portugal (Madeira)
Geomitra moniziana Portugal (Madeira)
Geomitra tiarella Portugal (Madeira)
Helix spp. (2) France, Israel, Portugal
Hemicycla spp. (2) Spain
Idiomela subplicata Portugal
Lampadia webbiana Portugal
Leiostyla spp. (16) Portugal
Lemniscia spp. (2) Portugal
Leptaxis spp. (5) Portugal
Ochthephila spirulina Portugal
Oxychilus spp. (4) Greece, Italy, Portugal
Spelaeodiscus tatricus Slovakia
Theba arinagae Spain (Canary Islands)
Xerosecta giustii Italy
Zospeum biscaiense Spain
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**What snails are listed here?:

The Europe section of this site lists the folllowing snails appearing on select endangered species lists:
  • Snails that dwell in or migrate to any region found in Europe and any nearby islands of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Snails that dwell in the East Atlantic Ocean (Azores).
  • Snails of Iceland.
  • Snails that dwell in the Adriatic Sea and Sea of Azov.
  • Snails that dwell in the Black and Caspian Sea.
  • Snails that dwell in Corsica.
  • Snails that dwell in Cyprus.
  • Snails of the Palearctic.
  • Snails of Russia.
  • Snails of Eurasia.
  • Some species dwelling on the North African Coast.
  • Snails of the Mediterranean Sea and islands located in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Snails dwelling in islands of Spain (Canary, Balearic).

This list combines species from several endangered species lists. Using the total count of species found on this site as an official count of endangered species of the world is not recommended. For more information on what creatures are listed on this site, please visit our About EEC page.

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