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. For more information on what creatures are listed on this site, please visit our
| Species Name | Scientific Name | Group | Range |
1. |
Allegheny Woodrat
Neotoma magister |
Mammals |
Alabama, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia |
2. |
Appalachian Cottontail
Sylvilagus obscurus |
Mammals |
United States |
3. |
Bachman's Sparrow
Aimophila aestivalis |
Birds |
United States |
4. |
Bicknell's Thrush
Catharus bicknelli |
Birds |
Canada, Connecticut, Cuba, Delaware, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Haiti, Jamaica, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia |
5. |
Bog Turtle
Glyptemys muhlenbergii |
Reptiles |
Eastern United States |
6. |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Tryngites subruficollis |
Birds |
Africa, Australia, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America (including United States Territory), Oceanic, South America |
7. |
Pleurobema clava |
Clams |
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia |
8. |
Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel
Sciurus niger cinereus |
Mammals |
USA (Delmarva Peninsula to southeastern Pennsylvania) |
9. |
Dwarf Wedgemussel
Alasmidonta heterodon |
Clams |
Canada (New Brunswick), United States |
10. |
Eastern Sand Darter
Etheostoma pellucidum |
Fishes |
Canada, United States |
11. |
Cyprogenia stegaria |
Clams |
Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia |
12. |
Golden-winged Warbler
Vermivora chrysoptera |
Birds |
Central America, Europe, North America (including United States), Oceanic, South America |
13. |
Gray Wolf
Canis lupus |
Mammals |
Mexico, United States |
14. |
Greater Prairie-chicken
Tympanuchus cupido attwateri |
Birds |
Canada, United States |
15. |
Green Salamander
Aneides aeneus |
Amphibians |
United States |
16. |
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis |
Amphibians |
United States |
17. |
Henslow's Sparrow
Ammodramus henslowii |
Birds |
Canada, United States |
18. |
Indiana Bat
Myotis sodalis |
Mammals |
Eastern and Midwestern USA |
19. |
Karner Blue Butterfly
Lycaeides melissa samuelis |
Insects |
Canada (Ontario), Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin |
20. |
Northeastern Bulrush
Scirpus ancistrochaetus |
Plants |
Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia |
21. |
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Contopus cooperi |
Birds |
Central and South America, North America (including United States) |
22. |
Orangefoot Pimpleback Pearlymussel
Plethobasus cooperianus |
Clams |
Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee |
23. |
Pennsylvania Cave Amphipod
Crangonyx dearolfi |
Crustaceans |
Maryland, Pennsylvania |
24. |
Pink Mucket Pearlymussel
Lampsilis abrupta |
Clams |
Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia |
25. |
Pink Ring Mussel
Obovaria retusa |
Clams |
Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia |
26. |
Piping Plover
Charadrius melodus |
Birds |
Canada, USA - Great Lakes Watershed |
27. |
Pizzini's Amphipod
Stygobromus pizzinii |
Crustaceans |
District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia |
28. |
Red-headed Woodpecker
Melanerpes erythrocephalus |
Birds |
Canada, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, United States |
29. |
Rough Pigtoe
Pleurobema plenum |
Clams |
Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia |
30. |
Rusty Blackbird
Euphagus carolinus |
Birds |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, United States |
31. |
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Ammodramus caudacutus |
Birds |
Canada, United States |
32. |
Shortjaw Cisco
Coregonus zenithicus |
Fishes |
Canada, United States |
33. |
Smooth Coneflower
Echinacea laevigata |
Plants |
Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia |
34. |
Spotted Turtle
Clemmys guttata |
Reptiles |
Canada, United States |
35. |
Stellmack's Cave Amphipod
Stygobromus stellmacki |
Crustaceans |
Pennsylvania |
36. |
Tubercled Blossom Pearlymussel
Epioblasma torulosa |
Clams |
Alabama, Canada (Ontario), Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia |
37. |
Wood Turtle
Glyptemys insculpta |
Reptiles |
Canada, United States |
38. |
Yellow Lampmussel
Lampsilis cariosa |
Clams |
Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia), United States |