Monomorium spp. 
Area(s) Where Listed As Endangered:
Algeria, India, Mexico, Singapore, Tunisia, United States
Status/Date(s) Listed as Endangered:
  Scientific Name Status Listing Date Range
1. Monomorium effractorVU-IUCN1996India
2. Monomorium hospitumVU-IUCN1996Singapore
3. Monomorium inquilinumVU-IUCN1996Mexico
4. Monomorium noualhieriVU-IUCN1996Algeria
5. Monomorium pergandeiVU-IUCN1996United States
6. Monomorium santschiiVU-IUCN1996Tunisia
7. Monomorium talbotaeVU-IUCN1996United States

Species/Common Names:
Monomorium effractor
Monomorium hospitum
Monomorium inquilinum
Monomorium noualhieri
Monomorium pergandei
Monomorium santschii
Monomorium talbotae

Facts Summary:
Monomorium is a genus of insects of concern and found in the following area(s): Algeria, India, Mexico, Singapore, Tunisia, United States.

Featured Article

Photos that will make you think twice before littering
Not too many people think of or even understand how much littering can actually impact our planet. Something as simple as holding onto your trash until you can throw it away properly can have a huge impact on conservation, preservation, and our planet.

Here are some photos that we thought you should take a look at that we hope will make you think twice before littering.



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